Laughter on Wheels: Illinois’ Funniest Rejected License Plates

A Refreshing Surprise from the Illinois State Government

In a rare display of goodwill, the Illinois state government has released a list of rejected license plate applications that will leave you chuckling. This unexpected move has won over even the toughest critics, and it’s a strategy that other states would do well to adopt.

The Top 10 Rejected License Plates

After reviewing the list, we’ve curated a top 10 that showcases the creativity and humor of Illinois residents. While some may have been too risqué for approval, they’re certainly entertaining.

10. Gyatt: A Teenager’s Dream
This plate screams “16-year-old’s first car.” While it might elicit a chuckle, it’s unlikely any adult would dare to sport it on their vehicle.

9. ABadMF: A Missed Opportunity
This simplistic plate had potential, but its rejection was a chance for the applicant to go back to the drawing board and come up with something more innovative.

8. Munch: A Plate with a Hidden Meaning
At first glance, this plate seems harmless, but its true meaning might not be suitable for all audiences. Perhaps it’s for the best that it was rejected.

7. Axehole: A Classic
This plate is perfect for those moments when you encounter, well, an axehole on the road. While it might escalate tensions, it’s a clever way to express frustration.

6. Weenie: Good Old-Fashioned Fun
This plate is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face. If you don’t crack a smile, you might be a loser.

5. Shidded: A Long Shot
Let’s face it, this plate had zero chance of being approved. Still, it would have been amusing to see it on the road.

4. Duckoff: Riding with a Chip on Your Shoulder
Similar to “Axehole,” this plate is perfect for those who like to make a statement. You’ll be ready to take on anyone who wrongs you.

3. ThiccAF: A Massive Truck’s Dream
Imagine this plate on a massive truck – it would be a sight to behold.

2. Bichin: A Sports Car’s Perfect Match
This plate would be perfect on a sleek sports car. Instead of rejecting it outright, the authorities should have asked the applicant to submit a photo of the car to prove its “bichin”-ness.

1. HokTuah: The Unlikely Winner
Could there be a more fitting winner in 2024? Approving this plate would have led to some interesting conversations in the years to come.


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