Brooklyn’s Tiny Rat Slayer: A Heroic Underdog Story

The Unlikely Hero of Brooklyn’s Streets

In the heart of Brooklyn, a small but fierce warrior is taking the streets by storm. Meet Katie, a 12.5-pound bundle of energy and determination, who has made it her mission to rid the city of its pesky rat problem.

A Hunter’s Instinct

Under the watchful eye of her owner, Sarah Darby, Katie patrols the streets of Prospect Park, Park Slope, and Gowanus, sniffing out her prey with uncanny accuracy. With a flick of her tail and a flash of her red LED collar, she’s off, chasing down her quarry with lightning speed.

A Deadly Efficiency

Katie’s stats are impressive: 363 kills and counting, with a remarkable 40% of them occurring in Prospect Park alone. Her most productive month? September. Her favorite day of the week? Thursday. And her modus operandi? Garbage cans and trash bags, where the rats tend to congregate.

From Shelter to Superstar

Adopted from a Texas shelter in 2022, Katie’s natural talent was soon discovered by Darby, who noticed her fascination with rats during a playground stroll. Since then, Katie has honed her skills, bagging an astonishing 115 rats in 2023 and closing in on 500 this year.

A Color-Coded Crusade

Darby tracks Katie’s conquests on a Google map, aptly titled “Katie’s Rats 2024.” The map reveals a pattern of kills concentrated around garbage hotspots, with nearly all occurring within a mile of their Brooklyn home.

A True Champion

Weighing in at just 12.5 pounds, Katie is a force to be reckoned with. Her diminutive size belies her ferocity and cunning, earning her the respect and admiration of all who know her. As one awestruck observer noted, “Holy shit. Katie is a bad bitch.” And we couldn’t agree more.


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