The Unforgettable Lesson in My Plumbing Class
As a plumbing instructor with a mischievous past, I’ve always been lenient with my students’ pranks – as long as they didn’t put anyone in harm’s way or compromise my job security. However, one incident pushed me to take a firm stance.
A Hands-On Learning Experience
My junior class was bursting with energy, and I had to find ways to keep them engaged. I built a 2″ x 4″ training station for teaching them how to install tub and shower valves, courtesy of Symmons Industries’ generous donation of 20 valves. Before letting them loose in the shop, I dedicated several lessons to explaining the history and function of pressure-balanced tub/shower valves. The students were excited to get their hands dirty, and I was proud of the effort they put into the project.
A Prank Gone Too Far
But one student took his prank too far. While I was helping another student, he set up a joke by the tool crib, removing the valve and parts from the box and cutting a hole on one side. He then inserted himself into the box and approached another student, asking what was inside. The unsuspecting student explained the contents, and the prankster feigned confusion. When the student opened the box, he was met with an unexpected and inappropriate sight.
Confronting the Prankster
When I found out about the incident, I took the prankster aside and explained the gravity of his actions. As a mandatory reporter, I would have been obligated to report him to the Dean, which would have led to a police investigation and potentially a sex offender conviction. I made it clear that such a label would haunt him for the rest of his life, affecting his future in sports, college, and beyond. The reality of his actions hit him hard, and he apologized profusely, promising never to do it again.
A Lesson Learned
I hoped that the incident would serve as a wake-up call for the student and a reminder to the entire class about the importance of respecting boundaries and maintaining a safe learning environment. Little did I know, this was only the beginning of a more complex situation…
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